Perfect Places

Perfect Places

You’ve seen these little containers on your restaurant tabletop, holding sugar packets. Give them a clever spin at your own table by turning them into place markers. Wrap each in a length of 1 1/2-inch-wide ribbon, secured with double-sided transparent tape. Layer a piece of gingham ribbon on top, finishing with a bow. Fill the container with wheatgrass blades (trimmed to fit), and nestle in an egg. Paint flat bamboo picks with craft paint, and allow to dry. Cut a simple flower shape from card stock, then a similar, slightly smaller one from white paper, writing or printing your guests’ names on the white paper. Glue the white flower onto the lavender one, then glue them both to the bamboo picks. Plant the pick in the wheatgrass.

Lovely Lemons

Lovely Lemons

Spring Zing

Spring Zing